Curriculum vitae

Engineering Science

The University of Toledo

THE UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO • 2801 W. Bancroft St. • Toledo, OH 43606

Work Experience

Software Engineer (March 2019 - )

  • Misfit Technologies Ltd. 
Responsibilities - front-end and back-end web development of flagship products, data analysis, and insight creation on user input. 
  • mPower Social Enterprises
Responsibilities - front-end and back-end web development of websites. 
  •  HOLO  Tech Ltd.
Responsibilities - front-end web development of company website and data dashboard that displays data in real-time.
  • ADN Diginet Ltd. 
Responsibilities - Web development.

Senior Software Engineer (December 2023 - )

  • BacBon Limited
Responsibilities - Machine Learning Engineering. 

Volunteer Data Scientist, Omdena Projects (February 2023 - )

  • Highway Asphalt Pavement Degradation Classification using Deep Learning and Computer Vision

Instructor (December 2021 - )

  • Working as the instructor of the Python for Kids course
  • Designed the course and prepared materials for teaching
  • Preparing questions and evaluating exam scripts 
  • Teaching programming with real-life examples and supervising projects accomplished by the students

My Current Tech Stack

  1. Programming Language - Python, R, JavaScript
  2. Framework - Flask, Django, React JS, Bootstrap
  3. Library - Pandas, Numpy, Spacy, Scikit-learn, Tensorflow, Beautiful Soup
  4. Visualization Tool - Seaborn, Matplotlib
  5. Database - PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, Neo4j
  6. Cloud Computing Service- Microsoft Azure
  7. Version Control System - Github

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